8 important marketing metrics for movers to track

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It can often be difficult to keep track of exactly how effective your various marketing efforts actually are. This can, in turn, seriously discourage both you and your employees. Particularly if you’ve done everything right, yet can’t seem to figure out why things are not working out. Well, if you know what the important marketing metrics for movers to track are, you can narrow down the effects of all your efforts. And you can learn how best to change your methods to truly engage with your potential customers and get them to hire you. In this article, Movers Development explores eight important marketing metrics for movers to track and analyze.

Sales growth

Marketing strategy draft
It will become a lot easier to adjust your marketing strategy if you keep in mind the important marketing metrics for movers

It is obviously important to know about how successful your marketing efforts actually are. And there are no other important marketing metrics for movers that reflect this quite as well as sales growth does! You would directly be able to translate your efforts into tangible results. Of course, you should not focus just on getting new clients. Customer retention is just as important, and is, in fact, crucial for long term sales growth numbers.

Quality of leads

Generating moving company leads is not easy. But no matter how satisfied you are with your efforts, or how high quality they are, it means nothing if they do not pander to the current interests of your potential customer base. Sometimes, you can get quite shocked by what is working and what is not. This is why one of the important marketing metrics for movers is the actual success of leads you are putting out there. By tracking this aspect of your marketing, you will know exactly what approach to take in order to catch the attention of a larger audience.

Cost of customer acquisition

When engaging in moving company marketing, it is normal to require initial investments in order to secure new customers. However, this can actually lead to expenses that are too large for your company to handle long term. This is a normal conundrum to face in any business. Weighing investment versus its apparent effectiveness is not exactly easy. However, the cost of customer acquisition is a neat way to project how effective your efforts are in this field. If you are seeing an uptick in the number of customers when investing in a particular marketing move, then you should likely continue to invest in it. Of course, if you try for too many different marketing avenues at once, analyzing the data can become difficult.

Conversion rates

The ‘conversion rate’ is a term referring to the number of your site’s visitors who actually end up becoming your clients. It is an important marketing metric for gauging the actual ability of your website to engage potential customers and get them interested enough to hire you. If your conversion rates are abysmal, then you should definitely look into getting your site redesigned and include more interesting and engaging content.

Bounce rates

Site design concepts
The visual appeal of a site is often a deciding factor in a customer’s interest.

Bounce rate is closely associated with the conversion rate, yet distinct and important enough to be included among important marketing metrics for movers on its own. The bounce rate is actually referring to the people who open your website and then immediately close it. This is a sure mark that there is, at least in their eyes, something lacking enough about your website to completely discourage their interest. You want to ensure your site looks professional and appealing. You would typically also prize a sleek and almost minimalistic design over a cluttered mess since that can make it look too complex and confusing, which would discourage potential customers from engaging with your site.

Keyword and search rankings

It should be obvious why this is one of the most important marketing metrics for movers to track. Consider this: how often do you actually click onto the second page of your Google search, whatever it may be? Most likely, only when you do not immediately find what you were looking for on the first one. By ensuring your site has high rankings, you ensure more customers would be led to you instead of your competition through Google searches. This is practically free customer acquisition since it takes practically no real investment on your part. Keep in mind, however, that ensuring that the keywords you prioritize are what your website ranks highly in is tricky.

Google indexing

Related to our previous point is Google indexing, which is another useful marketing metric for a moving company to track. However, while keyword rankings are useful for making people notice you, indexing is crucial for your site to stay in the public eye at all. Any site that is not indexed by Google does not show up at all doing a search through the engine. The way your site gets indexed is by being visited by the ‘crawlers’ Google uses. You can think of them as computer programs that check the quality of your site and its content. If it is lacking, Google elects not to publish it to its users. The good thing is, you can easily look into how to get Google to index your website. Note also, however, that each page is indexed separately before it shows in Google searches too.

Internal link popularity

a meeting for deciding on good blog topics
You can always have your employees come up with interesting blog topics in meetings.

It is only smart to focus on how to advertise a moving company. However, always remember that one of the most important ways to keep old customers engaged is through your site content. The best way to do this is by running a blog with useful moving advice. So, another one of the important marketing metrics for movers to track is the popularity of such efforts. Internal links are all the pages and links within your own website. And including them in your blog posts is one of the ways to direct the attention of your readers to topics and services you believe are important for them or directly relevant to whatever they are currently looking into.


Being aware of what the important marketing metrics for movers to track are, you should be in a better position to direct your effort where it should go. Just know that the interests of the public shift quickly. And you cannot just assume that particular marketing methods would continue to be effective. Tracking these metrics is an ever ongoing effort.